Tummy Tuck In Iran

Get rid of your excess fat and saggy skin and reclaim your desired body shape.

Inclusive Abdominoplasty Package 

  • Iran Treatment Visa

  • Transfer: Airport & Private 

  • 5* Hotel: 8-Day Stay

  • Abdominoplasty: 2-3 Hours Operation & Post-op Care Services


Tummy Tuck In Iran
If you are considering a safe and affordable tummy tuck with reliable doctors in well-equipped hospitals and modern clinics in Iran and in the meantime want trouble-free travel, Teratona can help you.
We have a select group of board-certified, well-experienced and well-known Iranian abdominoplasty surgeons for your effective tummy tuck with travel services included.
Teratona offers tummy tuck all-inclusive packages at affordable prices. For your best cosmetic treatment travel experience, all services have been included in packages for your memorable trip to Iran.
Teratona consultants will help you select board-certified and reliable surgeon for your tummy tuck surgery and will guide you throughout your treatment tour to Iran.

All-Inclusive Abdominoplasty Package in Iran (8-Day)


Fill out the form below for your tummy tuck surgery package

Tummy tuck package exact quote will be provided upon submitting your details of height, weight and areas for treatment along with photos. Get your price quote for tummy tuck surgery in Iran by contacting us here

What Teratona Offers in Tummy Tuck Package in Iran

Doctor visits, medical tests, tummy tuck surgery, overnight hospital stay (if required), post-operative care, prescribed medicines, recovery items and follow up.
Iran visa
Teratona will apply for your e-visa authorization code at Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs. By submitting the e-visa authorization code to Iran embassy/consulate at your home country (or third party country) can receive Iran visa and you are able to travel to Iran. (Note that e-visa authorization code fee is separate from Iran visa fee, which you have to pay at Iran embassy)
Airport & private Transfer
Airport pick-up, airport drop-off and private transfer during your cosmetic treatment in Iran.
Nine nights stay in a 5-star hotel
SIM Card and Internet Access
On arrival, you will receive SIM card and internet access services to keep you online.
Medical Interpreter
Our interpreter will accompany you from airport and during your transfer from hotel to hospital and vice versa and coordinates your medical procedure.
24-Hour Online Support
We will be accompanying you throughout your stay in Iran 

Note: All foreign credit cards do not work in Iran. You are highly recommended to bring enough cash. 

Your Detailed Abdominoplasty Daily Schedule Upon Arriving In Iran

Day 1: Arrival at the airport, Teratona’s guide will welcome you, pick you up and transfer you to hotel for checking in, transfer to doctor’s office for pre-operative talk and medical tests, return to hotel for rest.
Day 2: transfer from hotel to hospital, you will be prepared for surgery, 2-3 hours operation will be performed, Post-operative measures and instructions taken and one-night hospitalization (if required). 
Day 3: doctor’s instructions taken, transfer from hospital to hotel, rest in hotel, taking prescribed medications, following instructed diet; follow-up through doctor’s assistant.
Day 4: rest at hotel; regular eating restarts, daily walking, taking medications.
Day 5: rest at hotel; regular eating, daily walking, taking medications.
Day 6: rest at hotel; regular eating; daily walking; following through doctor’s assistant.
Day 7: shower at hotel; transfer from hotel to doctor office; check-up and bandage removal (by the doctor); reviewing post-operative instructions and dos & don’ts; receiving medical note from doctor certifying the patient fits to fly; transfer from doctor’s office to hotel.
Day 8: transfer from hotel to Teratona’s office; manager gives patient special gift; transfer to airport, saying goodbye, back home, keep contact with Teratona for any further medical consultation through our communication channels.

About Hotel
Teratona, your Iranian health tourism agent, works with a select group of luxury hotels in Iran.
We offer the best accommodation of luxury hotels for our international patients to have a convenient time during their stay in Iran.
You can check out all the hotels to get a better idea of the accommodation. Learn More

Abdominoplasty In Iran: All You Need To Know

Tummy tuck surgery is one of the common cosmetic procedures performed in Iran. Iran enjoys the highly skilled, well experienced and board certified abdominoplasty doctors who have graduated abroad mostly in US and Europe and now serve in modern hospitals and clinics in Iran.
If you are done with your enough research on abdominoplasty and made your decision on having tummy tuck but high cost of surgery is daunting, you might want to look into what Iran offers for abdominoplasty. You can benefit Iran’s highly qualified doctors and well-equipped hospitals and clinics with incredible affordability and in the meantime appreciate the time spending in a country with ancient history, great culture and hospitable people.
What is Abdominoplasty?
A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin and restores weakened muscles to create a smoother, firmer abdominal profile.
Cost of Abdominoplasty in Iran
Average tummy tuck cost in Iran can start at $2,500 to $4,500. This price range includes our services of Iran treatment visa, hotel accommodation, transfer, surgery and post operative care in Iran
Types of Tummy Tuck Procedures
Standard abdominoplasty
This is the most common abdominoplasty. Skin and fat are removed from below the belly button and the remaining skin is pulled tight together. Stretch marks below the belly button will be removed, however, stretch marks above the belly button will remain. There will be two scars after the abdominoplasty. One will run from one hip to the other, across the lower abdomen and there will be another scar around the belly button.
Mini Abdominoplasty
A small melon slice of skin and fat is removed from the lower abdomen, leaving behind a scar along the bikini line. There will be no scar around the belly button, but the belly button might be shifted into a lower position after the procedure. This tummy tuck is only suitable for those who have a very small amount of excess skin.
Fleur de Lys Abdominoplasty
This abdominoplasty is very similar to the standard abdominoplasty but there will be an extra scar after the surgery, which will be vertical and run along the front of the tummy. This is because excess skin is removed, not only from the lower part of the abdomen but across the abdomen too, so skin is removed both horizontally and vertically. This is more common in people who have lost a lot of weight.
Extended Abdominoplasty
Similar again to a standard abdominoplasty, this procedure is commonly used after a massive weight loss, with the scar extending further around the back of the patient.
Full Body Lift or Circumferential Abdominoplasty
This is similar to a standard abdominoplasty, however, the scar extends from the front of the tummy all around the back to the top of the buttocks. This is done after a major weight loss. Liposuction can also be combined with this abdominoplasty for some patients.
How a Tummy Tuck Is Done?
This surgery can take anywhere from one to five hours. You may need to stay overnight in the hospital, depending on your case.
You will get general anesthesia, which will put you to sleep during the operation.
Who Can Get a Tummy Tuck?
A tummy tuck is suitable for men and women who are in good health.
Women who have had several pregnancies may find the procedure useful for tightening their abdominal muscles and reducing skin.
A tummy tuck is also an option for men or women who were once obese and still have excess fat deposits or loose skin around the belly.
What to Do Before Abdominoplasty?
Smoking can increase the risk of complications and delay healing. If you smoke, you will have to stop for a certain period as determined by your doctor. It is not enough to just cut down on smoking. You must completely stop using all forms of nicotine — gum, patches, and e-cigarettes — for at least one month before surgery and for two weeks after. The longer, the better.
Make sure you eat well-balanced, complete meals. Do not try to diet excessively before the surgery. Proper nutrition is important to proper healing.
As part of your pre-operative consultation, your surgeon may instruct you to stop taking some of your medications that thin your blood and dietary supplements for a certain period before and after the surgery. This includes aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs). You must let your surgeon know if you’re taking any blood thinners.
Make sure you set up the safest, most comfortable recovery area to meet your needs before you undergo the surgery. Your home recovery area should include:
A supply of loose, comfortable clothing that can be put on and taken off very easily.
A telephone within easy reach.
A hand-held showerhead and bathroom chair.
Recovery and Outlook
Taking Care of Yourself After Surgery
Whether you are having a partial or complete tummy tuck, the area that’s operated on will be stitched and bandaged. It is very important to follow all your surgeon’s instructions on how to care for the bandage in the days following surgery. The bandage used will be a firm, elastic band that promotes proper healing. Your surgeon will also instruct you on how to best position yourself while sitting or lying down to help ease the pain.
You will have to severely limit strenuous activity for at least six weeks. You may need to take up to one month off work after the surgery to ensure proper recovery. Your doctor will advise you on what you need to do or not do.
Returning to Daily Life
Generally, most people love how they look after this procedure. That can take time, though. You may not feel like your normal self for months after the surgery.
Diet and exercise can help you maintain the results.
Frequently Asked Questions on Abdominoplasty
What are the complications and risks of a tummy tuck?
As expected, you will have pain and swelling after surgery. Your doctor will prescribe pain medications as needed.
Soreness may last for several weeks. You may also have numbness, bruising and overall tiredness for that same time period.
Is the surgery right for me?
Tummy Tuck depends entirely on the person’s choice. In general, abdominoplasty can be helpful for the following people:
People who have a stable weight.
People who are not smokers.
People who are dissatisfied with the bad shape of their abdomen
People who have a logical idea of the results of the operation.
When is the right time for a tummy tuck?
If you’re a woman who is still planning to have children, you may want to postpone a tummy tuck until you’re through bearing children. During surgery, your vertical muscles are tightened. Future pregnancies can separate these muscles once again.
If you’re still planning to lose a significant amount of weight, don’t have a tummy tuck right away. Wait until your weight has stabilized.

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